So today as an intern, I got to watch the first read-through of the Kite Runner script. Basically the whole cast sat around a giant round table and read straight from the script. And it was amazing. They weren't in costume and they weren't even acting. Just sitting. And the actor who plays Assef (Yazbeck), ate practically a whole bowl of fruit in the process. But it was so amazing. Just so much creative juice flowing. Here was a group of intelligent individuals making an art and sharing an experience. There was no faggotry [I made up this term, it means "bs"]. There was no one raising their hand and asking the director stupid questions. The photographer didn't ask the stage manager if it was his job to take pictures. There was no orangy-overly tanned person arguing with the costume manager and saying in her squeaky voice "Welllll, I really think we should wear this instead.." And there was no confusion. This was the first read-through, yet everyone knew where they were supposed to be. It was almost effortless. I could see why this group of individuals had gotten their jobs. Because they are damn good at them.

Please do check out The Kite Runner


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