I really forgot..

Just how much I love summer. Summer nights that is. I could do without the stifling hot summer days. But the nights are just lovely. And this summer I'll get to spend them at my new place.

There will be pictures soon I promise :)

I'll take some tomorrow.

And post them so the 6 people probably who read my blog can see my empty house that has no furniture and no paint.
Well my bathroom now has paint.

I love painting.
It's so tiring and it makes me sweat..but I love the fumes and I love making something that was once dull so pretty.


Moving on-

I'm just now getting the chance to listen to the Silversun Pickups new album and it's pretty good. Sorta takes me back to junior year of high school. Right where I was loving life and all things angst.
But yeh it makes me want to dance. And it's pretty hard to find alternative/indie like that nowadays.

And the Yeah Yeah Yeah's?
Their new album owns. OWNS.

My favorite song dear champs-

Whenever I hear Runaway I think of this song in the middle of a really good action flick where everything slows down and the star (preferably a girl) uses her exceptional skill and wit to beat someone's be-hind.
Well just in my mind of course.
But it still leaves me feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.


I hate..

I hate looking for jobs :(

Cheesy Pringles are so so good. But they somehow taste even better whilst listening to my beloved Robots in Disguise...
The Tears is just amazing-

Sue Denim and Dee Plum are ace :)

Now I could really use a Tall, Caramel Frapp..

ooh..the tears the tears

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