Yay for Alzheimers

So apparently yesterday was San Jose's official Alzheimers Day. So yay for that!

I wish I had my own day of the year. It would be called B-day. Actually no, don't want it to be confused with Beyonce's retarded album..
Ok how about something like Everyone Sucks Day?

Or how about...I Hate 1028399820932032730000 degree Weather Day?
ORRRRR...EVEN better: Drink Your Haterade With a Smile Day? Yess, that last one's the best!

Some things to note about the beginning of my week:

1. Guys with beer guts really shouldn't try and sport trendy mohawks.
2. Camel toe is not cool.
3. If you're wearing a dress you really shouldn't be wearing a plastic visor as well.
4. If you're of the Caucasian decent, live in the trailer park on Monterey Rd. and are tired of people calling you Trailer Trash, then maybe you shouldn't let your children walk around barefoot.

I can't get Don't Be Tardy For the Party out of my head....




Recent Flickr

I found this old house, and I think it's beautiful ♥




It's Brittany *****

Sorry I've been so m.i.a. It's been CRAZY since I moved! I've changed jobs twice, started school, started and ended a new relationship and have just been busy busy busy... Today is actually my day off and instead of sipping a slurpy somewhere cool I'm stuck in Polysci class :-/

I will kick off this new post by talking about the recent VMAs. It was a gas! Between Lady Ga Ga looking as freaky as the Hamburgler on crack and Kanye having another momentary lapse in judgment, I thoroughly enjoyed the hijinx and shenanigans. I think my favorite Lady Ga Ga outfit was the one where she looked like a giant used tampon..

[center photo in image below]

And even though I'm not a big fan of her, I was so offended when Kanye jumped on stage and interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech. I mean, no one saw me jumping on stage when 3OH!3 didn't win [when they should have] or objecting to Madonna's highly contrived and depressing Michael Jackson tribute speech. Who wants to see Madonna poorly read from her teleprompter (Megan Fox did a GREAT job reading from hers btw], and sadly reminiscence over a disturbing anecdote about her and Michael fondling each other on her couch? NOT ME, that's who.

Speaking of Michael Jackson..
Did anyone see this Indian Michael impersonator that was featured on Oprah?

Just amazing! I will one day go to India! Not only is the food De-LISH but education is so much cheaper :)

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