Recently, Dallas Cowboys Linebacker DeMarcus Ware and his wife Taniqua adopted a beautiful baby.

Photo Courtesy of The Insider

They named her Marley.

Only one problem. Several persons of the black community have a problem with the fact that Marley isn't black.

I don't mean to be mean. But I think it's pretty jacked up that we're in the year 2009 and people are still so racist and closed-minded. What does it matter that the baby is white? DeMarcus and his wife actually tried to have their own child three times, yet failed. When they found out Marley needed parents they jumped at the chance to having their own child.

My questions are: Why is it ok for white people to adopt black children but not vice versa? Why is the black community so upset because two black people have a white child?

Black people have had to deal with so much discrimination and racism through the years, yet they're being blatently racist towards this beautiful little girl. As long as there's one less motherless child in the world then people should be happy.

I tip my hat off to the Wares for loving Marley and dealing with the onslaught of stupidity that has come their way.

Myself? I plan on adopting a little Korean baby :)
(Maybe a white one too, just to piss people off)


  1. gcotharn said...
    I agree with you, and enjoyed this blogpost.
    Anonymous said...
    One of the main reasons why people in the black community are upset is because there are thousands of black babies available. White babies get adopted immediately because of the demand while black babies have trouble being placed. They see it as not giving someone a chance, a great family that turned their back on a child, even though they are giving Marley a chance she would have been adopted immediately anyways while black babies are sitting there waiting for someone to love them.

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